Standard Curriculum Vitae (CV) Writing or
Re-Writing : $139.95 -
Whether you hire us to create your new CV from scratch or you have
us work from an existing one, the same rate applies. Included with
every order are: free revisions within the scope of your original
request, unique articles & tutorials with proprietary tips for
marketing your CV and winning over prospective employers at job
interviews, and more.
Accompanying Cover Letter : $59.95
- Research from a wide range of sources demonstrates quite
consistently that CVs accompanied by strong cover letters receive
a greater amount of attention from a greater number of prospective
employers. If adding an attention-grabbing cover letter to your
order improves the odds of getting interviewed and subsequently
hired by even a small percentage, then it's more than worth the
LinkedIn® Profile : $89.95
- Many employers expect candidates to have LinkedIn®
profiles. Our professional CV writers can either revamp your
existing profile OR create a new one for you "from scratch!"
Follow-Up (Post-Interview) Thank You Letter : $59.95
- Similar to cover letters, post-interview thank you letters are
known to increase the number of positive responses (in this case,
job offers!) that you're likely to receive. Here again, it only
makes sense: Spend just a little and you'll dramatically improve how
quickly you get hired for the job YOU want...and that
means your investment in a post-interview thank you letter will
almost always prove itself to be a profitable one.
Professional Career Coaching By Telephone : $69.95
- Add this service to your CV order and a certified career coach
will spend at least a half of an hour assessing your strengths and
weaknesses in a way no one close to you ever has before. Our career
coach will show you how to transform yourself into a far more
attractive job candidate to prospective employers. Follow-up or even
ongoing coaching calls are optional.
HTML Resume Posting : $49.95- Having an online, e-copy of your resume is VERY important in
most industries. Add this service to your CV order and we'll post
your new resume on a webpage and maintain it for at least one full
Rush Service : $39.95 - Our standard turnaround time is approximately 3 business days but adding a RUSH to your order will get it to you in just 1-2 business days.

You can receive a FREE mini-critique of
your current CV!
Click here to see several CVs we
prepared for customers over the last few years OR use our
contact form to send us a copy of
your current CV and we'll critique it at no charge! (Please only do so
if you are seriously considering utilizing our services after receiving
our critique though!)
It almost certainly costs you more
money NOT to hire us to write your CV than it does TO hire us to write
your CV!?!
Think about it this way: When employed, what's your typical salary?
What salary will you likely earn if hired for the type of position
you're presently seeking? Now consider: If the CV that we write and
the help that we provide combine to get you hired just ONE week sooner, how much
extra money will you have earned? Now subtract the $139 cost you paid us to
write your CV. The remaining number is your return on investment.
It's your PROFIT!